気になる!世界の吹奏楽事情~フランス編 パートI~(ジャン=フィリップ・ヴァンブスラール氏による寄稿)


Wind Band Pressではこれまで多くの海外の情報を記事にしてきましたが、実際のところ、海外各国の吹奏楽事情についてはあまりよく知られていないのが現状です。


かなり久々となりましたが、今回は、フランスの作曲家、ジャン=フィリップ・ヴァンブスラールさん(Jean-Philippe Vanbeselaere)にフランスの吹奏楽事情について細かくご寄稿いただきました。


[English below Japanese]

「フランスの吹奏楽」パートI (byジャン=フィリップ・ヴァンブスラール)


1. フランスにおけるウィンドバンドの誕生 : 略歴

a. フランスのウィンドバンドの起源




b. フランスのウィンドバンドの第二の誕生





* 「オルフェオン」とは、19世紀初頭に作られた音楽教育のための大衆的な協会のことで、民間企業や地方自治体の助成金を受けて、アマチュア音楽家がファンファーレバンド(または吹奏楽団)やアマチュア男性合唱団に参加しています。

c. 軍楽隊:アマチュア吹奏楽団の例





2. 最近のフランスのウィンドバンド


a. 軍楽隊












b. 音楽院や音楽学校の吹奏楽部




c. アマチュア吹奏楽団






Wind Bands in France


Part I

There are three categories of Wind Bands in France : Amateur wind bands, orchestras from conservatories or music schools and professional orchestras. The first category includes citizen wind bands or community bands. Orchestras from conservatories or music schools are classified in the subject “Collective training” and are organized according to level in each learning cycle. Professional orchestras are mainly military. In these 3 cases, the orchestral nomenclature is the same.

1. The birth of Wind Bands in France : a brief history

a. Origins of french Wind Bands

The first french Wind Bands to appear in History are exclusively military orchestras. Their origins date back to the 16th century. This is the first time that musicians have played to support troops in combat.

It was not until much later, under the reign of Louis XIV, that the bands began to be regulated and standardized. Thus, the Marechal de Biron, Colonel of the French Guards, is authorized to form in 1762 a band including four bassoons, four oboes, four clarinets and four horns, and whose maintenance is supporteded by the Treasury Department.

Thanks to Louis XVI, all infantry regiments will have their band of nine musicians. In 1786, a big step was taken : the staff musicians, the drums and the horns of the different units were henceforth placed on the authority of a drum major, while the post of “Music Officer” was created. These are musicians who must participate in Parades of Honor, Marches and military masses.

b. A second birth for french Wind Bands

During the French Revolution (1789), the musical corps are dissolved, but Bernard Sarrette (a former Captain of the “National Guards) obtained from the Military Committee of Paris that the “Music of the Paris National Guard” (precursor of the current” Garde Republicaine”) be maintened. It’s to him that we also owe the creation of the National Conservatory which must work at the same time with the Wind Band of the Paris National Guard.

From then on, military music will experience a revival, supported by the compositions of Cherubini, Gossec, Mehul, etc… for major ceremonies, for prestige.

The Empire understands this well : it multiplies the regimental bands and increases its workforce to 24 musicians. The Consular Guards and the Imperial Guards even have up to 50 musicians. The First Empire saw the Paris Conservatory both specialize and open up to other subjects. The big cities imitate the parisian example and that’s how the first conservatories emerged.

The main military regions of the Empire are then provided with subsidiaries of the Imperial Guard (Fanfares of the Empire) which, in turn, will be at the origin of one of the components of the Orpheons * which will proliferate during the following decades.

* “Orpheons” are popular societies for musical education created at the beginning of the 19th century, often subsidized by private companies or local authorities, which bring together Amateur musicians in Fanfares (or Wind Bands) or Amateur chorists in male choirs.

c. Military Bands : an exemple for Amateur Wind Bands

The first Citizen Wind Bands were born from the momentum of this military music. Very often, the texts call them “Bands of the National Guard” because their instrumental composition get close to the one of the “Paris National Guard”.

The first cities to have municipal band are in the North of France. These musical societies are usually constituted by veterans who draw inspiration from the National Guard or the Firefighter Brigade for costume, discipline and repertoire.

At that time, the Wind Bands and Fanfares are still linked to the conservatories of their city. These conservatories transmit to them the music performed by military bands : they therefore also handle patriotic gatherings and other national festivities.

This idea of simultaneous work between Wind Bands and conservatories will serve as a common thread in the history of the Wind Bands in France. It dates back to the French Revolution and is still today the major idea for the establishment or survival of a Wind Band or a Fanfare.

2. Wind Bands in France nowadays

At the start of this 21st century, there are 3 sectors in which the Wind Bands operate in France : Military bands / Wind Bands from conservatories and music schools / Amateur Wind Bands.

a. Military Bands

The French Army went through a period of great changes. The reforms initiated since the mid-1990s have paved the way for a new model of the army that is severely downsized. The main consequence of this reform: many military sites were dissolved and orchestras were directly threatened …

Currently, around twenty regional and regimental musical groups (Wind Band, Fanfare, Brass-Band, …) ensure the perpetuation of the musical heritage : military ceremonial during national commemorations, communication missions, national and international festivals, prestige and solidarity concerts. Each consisting of 75 to 100 musicians, the main military Wind Bands are :

– La Musique principale de l’Armee de Terre

– La Musique principale de l’Armee de l’Air et la Musique des Forces Aeriennes

– La Musique des Troupes de Marine

– L’Orchestre de la Garde Republicaine et la Musique de la Garde Republicaine

– La Musique de la Gendarmerie mobile

– La Musique de la Police Nationale

– La Musique des Gardiens de la Paix

– La Musique des Sapeurs-Pompiers de Paris

– La Musique de la Legion etrangere

b. Wind Bands from conservatories and music schools

Music education in France is organized in public and private educational organizations. While initial education is intended to train amateur artists and an informed public, higher education is aimed at future professionals. It is carried out by qualified teachers and organized within educational structures.

France has 450 conservatories classified by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, 2800 municipal music schools and 1200 associative music schools. There is usually at least one Harmony Orchestra in each conservatory and music school.

Since some years, partnerships have been put in place between conservatories and schools (primary schools and colleges) so that the majority of school children can benefit from a pedagogy adapted to the teaching of music. These actions led to the creation of Wind Bands at school.

c. Amateur Wind Bands

Even if there are some links, the Amateur Harmony Orchestras are formations that do not depend on a conservatory or a music school and which mainly operate in an associative framework.

Most of France’s 2500 Amateur Wind Bands (citizen wind bands or community bands) are affiliated with the ≪ Confederation Musicale de France ≫, the largest french musical association. Founded in 1855, in line with the orpheonic movement, the ≪ Confederation Musicale de France ≫ is gathered into 24 regional federations and 89 departmental unions. Its objective is to allow everyone to have access to collective musical practice. Among its many missions, it organizes regional competitions and a national orchestral championship.

The musical nomenclature of Amateur Wind Bands varies according to the number of musicians (between 30 and 90 musicians). Apart from their official role during national commemorations in their territory, these orchestras focus most of their activities on concerts and the discovery of new repertoires.

Since its creation, Wind Band in France has aroused much controversies. A pale copy of the symphony orchestra or poor-quality music, opinions are divided but feelings remain negative. However, these orchestras are moving more and more towards the notion of quality concerts, seting aside festivities and parades. The repertoire having followed the technical evolution of instruments, the works require a great mastery of the instrument, a quality of sounds and timbres specific to the resources of the Wind Band. A large number of Wind Bands in France have realized that music carries a message : it’s always possible to be entertained with music but with a high-quality repertoire.


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