「教育がすべてであり、常に成長し続けることが大切」インタビュー:ケヴィン・ホーベン氏 (Kevin Houben)

[The original text written in English is below the Japanese.]



今回は最新吹奏楽作品集「ガーディアン・エンジェルズ(Guardian Angels)」リリースのタイミングで、初インタビューを行ってみました。



1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、作曲家としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますか?


2. あなたは様々な編成の作品を発表しています。特に吹奏楽の作品が多い印象です。あなたが吹奏楽にどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?


「ROYAL WIND BAND PEER」という吹奏楽団です。その楽団でトランペットを吹き始めたのは12歳のときでした。音楽家のレベルは非常に高く、今年も最高部門で全国優勝を果たしました。

3. 作曲家として人生のターニングポイントとなった作品があれば、その作品についてのエピソードを教えて頂けますか?

「The Lost Labyrinth」は、ケルクラーデのWMCで、イヴァン・メイルマンスが指揮するファンファーレオーケストラ「ACHEL」とともに初演されました。この作品は、私のキャリアにおいて非常に重要なものでした。 また、2016年には「Arcana」で、ブラスバンドのためのヨーロッパ作曲家コンクールで優勝しました。この作品は、私が初めて作曲した、ファンファーレと吹奏楽のためのオリジナル作品でした。この成功により、私の音楽は、ヤン・デ・ハーンのDe Haske Europeから出版されました。

4. 最近では新しい吹奏楽作品集「ガーディアン・エンジェルズ(GUARDIAN ANGELS)」が発売されましたね。このCDで特に聴いてほしい、感じてほしいことは何ですか?




5. 今回のCDや収録曲の楽譜は、「Houben Editions」からリリースされています。ディストリビューションはハル・レナード・ヨーロッパが担っていますね。自らのブランドとして「Houben Editions」を設立した理由を教えて頂けますか?


6. 作曲家が自らのブランド(または出版社)を設立することについてのメリットやデメリットについて、あなたが感じていることを教えて頂けますか?


7. あなたは自国だけでなく世界的に評価されています。日本の若い作曲家や、国境を超えて世界中で活躍したいと考えている作曲家にアドバイスをお願いします。

私は幸運にもJan Van der Roost、Leon Petre、Ivan Meylemans、Tijmen Botma、Jan Hadermannなどと一緒に仕事や勉強をすることができました。



LUCA芸術学校およびアントワープ王立音楽院(Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen)の教育学部指揮科でオーケストレーションと管弦楽法を教えている。



2003年、第2回コミネス・ワーネトン国際作曲コンクール(Concours International de composition pour orchestra de Comines-Warneton)でSabam賞と聴衆賞を受賞。2006年に欧州EBBAコンクールで第1位、2009年の第3回で第3位と聴衆賞を受賞、2019年にWASBE作曲家コンクール(米国)で優勝。


吹奏楽団「Koninklijke Harmonie Peer」でVLOH2019(全国大会)優勝。

2019年にカリフォルニア工科大学のLos Angeles Conducting Institute (LACI)で、上級者や発展途上の指揮者を対象とした特別なプログラムに従事した。


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インタビュー・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)



1. First of all, would you tell me about your background, where and how you grew up, what made you started as a composer?

I started playing the piano when I was 4 years old because my older sister also started playing the piano at the music academy. after that, I fell in love with music and also learned to play the trumpet. I had doubts about becoming a dentist, but decided to go to the conservatoire where I studied trumpet, chamber music, conducting and finally composition with Jan Van der Roost.

2. You have published works in a variety of compositions. I have the impression that many of your works are for wind bands in particular. Would you tell me about your fascination with wind band?

I grew up in a fantastic wind band of which I am now the conductor myself

ROYAL WIND BAND PEER. I started playing the trumpet in that orchestra when I was 12 years old… the level of the musicians is very high and we became this year also national champion in the highest division…

3. As a composer, if there is a work that became a turning point in your life, would you tell me the episode about that work?

The Lost Labyrinth was premiered in Kerkrade at the WMC with the fanfare orchestra ACHEL conducted by IVAN MEYLEMANS. That work was very important in my career . Also I won the european composers competition for brass band in 2016 with Arcana… that was my first composition and original for fanfare and wind band … because of that success my music was published by De Haske Europe by Jan de Haan.

4. You have recently released a new wind band collection, GUARDIAN ANGELS. What do you particularly want people to listen to or feel in this CD?

just sit back and relax… a lot of slow movements and sound scapes for wind band, with a lot of big exciting moments… tijmen botma and his orchestra rendered the atmosphere and the intensity of the music extremely well

5. This CD and the sheet music for the songs are released by “Houben Editions”. Hal Leonard Europe is in charge of distribution. Would you tell me why you decided to establish Houben Editions as your own brand?

this was a logical next step to shape and publish my music myself. this gives me more autonomy and I also like the business side of publishing and composing in general.

6. Would you tell me what you feel are the advantages and disadvantages of composers establishing their own brand (or publishing company)?

you take all the risks yourself and you invest an enormous amount of money in making recordings and nice releases, but you also decide when and how everything is released on the market.


7. You are highly regarded not only in your own country but also internationally. What advice would you give to young Japanese composers and composers who want to transcend national borders and be active around the world?

make sure you have a very good education, I am very lucky to work and study with Jan Van der Roost, Leon Petre, ivan Meylemans, Tijmen Botma, Jan Hadermann and many others.

education is everything and keep developing… Make sure you find an orchestra that will play your music. I have been the conductor of various orchestras and that has shaped me more deeply. Apart from that, it is important to take part in composition competitions to get your music out into the world and to find a good publisher who will put you on the market.


Short Bio:

Teaches Orchestration and Instrumentation at LUCA School of Arts and Educational Master Conducting Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen.

Is a renowned conductor, worked with various professional orchestras and ensembles during

recordings and concerts all over the world

Since the completion of his studies, his music has become a favorite in the repertoire of various orchestras in Europe, America, Australia and Japan

Winner of the Sabam prize and audience award at the 2nd Concours International de composition pour orchestra de Comines-Warneton in 2003. Won the first prize at the European EBBA competition in 2006, the third prize and the audience award during the 2009 edition and winner of the WASBE Composer Competition (US) in 2019

In 2017 his first Symphony was premiered by the National Orchestra of Belgium and he works as orchestrator since the 2015 edition of Tomorrowland

Won VLOH 2019 (National Championship) with the windband Koninklijke Harmonie Peer

Followed a specially-designed program at the Los Angeles Conducting Institute (LACI) at Caltech for advanced and developing conductors in 2019

Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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