

[English text is below Japanese]

2016年に始まり過去2回開催され、次回は2020年に開催されるヨーロッパの吹奏楽コンテスト「ヨーロピアン・チャンピオンシップ・フォー・ウィンド・オーケストラ(European Championship for Wind Orchestras:ECWO)」。

一体どんな大会なのか?ということでECWOの会長であるベリ・ハンデガード(Berit Handegard)さんにメールでお話を伺いました。


ベリ・ハンデガード氏(Berit Handegard)

―まず最初にヨーロピアン・チャンピオンシップ・フォー・ウィンド・オーケストラ(European Championship for Wind Orchestras:ECWO)が始まったきっかけとこれまでの歴史、どのような組織なのかについて教えて下さい。

数年前にヨーロッパのウィンドオーケストラのチャンピオンシップを設立しようとする試みはありましたが、それは一度も行われませんでした。ブラスバンドのための非常によく組織された毎年恒例のチャンピオンシップ(ヨーロピアン・ブラスバンド・チャンピオンシップス)がありますが、私はその大会で5年間事務局長を務めました。 2013年にオスロで開催されたヨーロピアン・ブラスバンド・チャンピオンシップスの後、多くの吹奏楽愛好家が集まり、吹奏楽のための同様のチャンピオンシップを設立することに関心があるかどうかを確認しました。確かにみな関心があり、その結果、アムステルダムでグループが集まり、吹奏楽のためのこのようなチャンピオンシップを組織するための方法を議論し、考案しました。

この委員会は、交渉を開始するために任命された以下の代表者で構成されています。ノルウェーのベリ・ハンデガード(Berit Handegard)、ベルギーのヤン・マティス(Jan Matthys)、オランダのトーン・ピアボーム(Toon Peerboom)とヨハン・オエゲマ(Johan Oegema)、デンマークのウルリック・トムセン(Ulrik Thomsen)。私たちは、これが定期的なイベントであるべきだと認識し、作業の議長を務めるNGO(非政府組織)を設立するよう努めました。 ECWO協会は現在、国際NGOとしてベルギーで登録されており、2014年10月に最初の総会が開催されました。理事会が選出され、2年ごとにチャンピオンシップを開催することにしました。第1回大会は2016年5月にオランダのユトレヒトで、第2回大会は2018年にブリュッセルで開催されました。第3回ECWOは2020年5月23日にフランスのアミアンで開催されます。



















コンテストは招待制です。 各参加国の代表的なバンドが1つ招待され、国際的な審査員による審査を受けます。 プレゼンテーションの内容は自由に選択することができますが、すべてのバンドは事前に選択されたテストピースを演奏することが求められます。



・すべてのオーケストラが演奏しなければならないテストピースがあります。これはプログラムの一部として含まれなければなりません。 ECWO協会または参加するオーケストラによるものかどうかにかかわらず、選択されたすべての音楽は、元のスコアに示されている楽器編成に従って演奏しなければいけません。




上位3つのバンドはバウチャーとトロフィーを受け取ります。 また、テストピースのベスト・ソロ・パフォーマンス、ベスト・セクショナル・パフォーマンス、ベスト・パフォーマンスに対して賞を授与しています。 優勝者はさらに欧州トロフィーを受け取ります。







ヨーロッパのいくつかの国の違いが、ECWO コンテストを延長する理由になるかもしれません。 おそらく、コンテストを2つの部分に分けることができます。つまり、コンサート・ディヴィジョン・レベルとファースト・ディヴィジョン・レベルに分けて、すべてのバンドに平等な競争の場を作ることができるのではないだろうか、ということです。




– First of all, Would you tell us about how the European Championship for Wind Orchestras started, its history, and what kind of organization it is?

There have been previous attempts to establish a European wind orchestra Championship years ago, but they were never followed up. There is a very well organised annual championship for brass bands (European Brass Band Championships) of which I was general secretary for 5 years. After the European Brass Band Championships in Oslo in 2013 many different Band enthusiasts got together to see if there might be the interest in establishing a similar championship for Wind Bands. There was indeed interest and as a consequence a group met in Amsterdam to discuss and divise a way forward to organise such a championship for Wind Bands.

This committee made up of the following representatives was appointed to start the negotiations; Berit Handegard, Norway, Jan Matthys, Belgium, Toon Peerboom and Johan Oegema, Netherlands and Ulrik Thomsen from Denmark. We recognised that this should be a regular event so sought to establish an NGO (non-governmental organisation) to chair the work. The ECWO Association is now registered in Belgium as an international NGO and the first general meeting was in October 2014. A board was elected, and we decided to hold the championship every two years. The first championship took place in Utrecht in The Netherlands in May 2016 and the second in Brussels in 2018. The third ECWO will take place in Amiens, France on the 23rd May 2020.

The contest’s intention was to invite the best bands from European countries, either national champions or top bands selected by their various national organisations. Only one band from each participating country is invited to take part. In the two first editions, orchestras from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Latvia, Switzerland, France, Germany and Spain took part.

Buffet Crampon is a sponsor.

– What are the main objectives of the current European Championship for Wind Orchestras? What do you offer for whom? And what are you trying to give the world?

The main objective is organizing a European Championship for Harmony Orchestras.

By organizing this championship, the association is aiming for the following non-profit objectives of international value:

Marketing of wind music and the values connected with wind music. (Means: We want to marketing wind music as art, but there is more to it then that. It is being part of a community, friendship, people working toegether, developing your and others musical skills etc. )

Sustained improvement in the musicality and performance levels of harmony orchestras.

Stimulation of international contacts and networking.

Promotion and development of new and existing original repertoire for harmony orchestras.

Both events have also included a conference to discuss joint issues and challenges for the wind band family both the community at large and education across the board.

– What is the outline of the European Championship for Wind Orchestras? Participation qualifications, content to be judged and task imposed on performers.

For the participating orchestras:

To perform the best concerts possible for very knowledgeable, astute, committed and interested audiences in a national concert hall.

To be inspired by listening to the competing top level orchestras

To experience a wide range of repertoire played by these best performers.

To attract and meet wind band enthusiasts from all over Europe and indeed visitors from across the world.

The best three bands win awards.

For the Wind orchestras in general, the wish is to promote, present and deliver role models that exemplify the best the European Wind Orchestras can present.

The competition is by invitation only. One representative Band from each participating country is invited to perform and be judged by an international jury. The content of their presentation is self selected but all bands are also required to play a pre-selected test piece.

Artistic frames:

The participating orchestras will be expected to perform a concert program with a minimum length of 35 minutes and a maximum length of 45 minutes.

There will be a set test piece that all orchestras must play, this must be included as part of the program. All chosen music whether by the ECWO Association or the participating orchestra should be performed in accordance with the instrumentation as indicated in the original score.

The program should, besides the test piece, contain at least one piece specifically written for wind band instrumentation that is an original composition for the medium not an arrangement of an already existing piece.

– What do you think players can get by participating in the European Championship for Wind Orchestras? For example, what will be given to the band if they win?

Hopefully the players feel they are a part of a living, growing family of international wind band musicians who, through their presence at the competition, support and inspire each other to continue playing and sharing experiences and celebrating the true sense of the word amateur; those who love what they do and share the joy.

The top three bands receive vouchers and trophies. We also have awards for the best solo performance, the best sectional performance and the best performance of the test piece. The winner receives in addition the challenger European trophy.

– How can Japanese wind band fans get involved in the European Championship for Wind Orchestras?

They are warmly welcomed as visitors to the next edition of ECWO in Amiens May 23rd 2020.

Maybe ECWO can inspire Asia to establish their own Asian Championship for Wind Orchestras.

Or in the longer term specific wind orchestras from outside Europe might be invited to participate as guests at a future ECWO championship.

– How do you feel the European wind music scene from your perspective? What are your thoughts on the charm and challenges point of the European wind music?

The European band scene represents a multiplicity of styles and genres with national traits that can differ from country to country. For me it’s evident that the European scene is very much alive and growing. There are many very successful wind- and brass festivals in Europe attracting many bands year on year that especially cater for the younger generation as do the various international youth orchestra, summer schools and choral festivals.

The differences between the several European countries might be the reason for an extension of the ECWO contest. Maybe we could divide the contest into two parts: a concert division level and a first division level, creating a level playing field for all bands.

– Do you have a message for Japanese wind band fans?

Keep up the good work, I know japan has many good wind orchestras.


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