「夢を実現させたいなら、目を覚まさなければならない」演奏家インタビュー:トーマス・リューディ氏(ユーフォニアム奏者 Thomas Ruedi, Euphonium)

[English is below Japanese]

日本にもお弟子さんが多く、日本に縁があるユーフォニアム奏者のトーマス・リューディ氏(Thomas Ruedi)に、設問に答えて頂く形でインタビュー取材を行いました。


1. まずあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、プロのユーフォニアム奏者としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?







2. これからユーフォニアムを始めたいと考えている人や、演奏を始めたばかりの人に向けて、ユーフォニアムやユーフォニアムのために書かれた作品にあなたがどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?






3. 練習や演奏をする際、例えばソロリサイタルの際やオーケストラのメンバーとして舞台に上がる際に、特に注意していることや心がけていることはありますか?





4. 演奏家として人生のターニングポイントとなったエピソードや、これまでの活動で最も印象に残っているエピソードがあれば、それらについて教えて下さい。





5. ご自身の演奏に強く影響を受けた他の演奏家がいれば、彼らからどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)




6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。




7. 最後に、日本の若い演奏家(アマチュアを含む)やプロの演奏家を目指す日本の学生たちにアドバイスをお願いします。

一般的に、プロのミュージシャンの中には、まだ 「成功 」していない人がたくさんいます。私が言いたいのは、学業を終えてから将来の目標を見つけるまでの間に行き詰っているということです。音楽の才能や夢を持つことは素晴らしいことです。しかし、夢を実現させたいなら、目を覚まさなければならない!




最後に、刺激的で創造的なアマチュア・ミュージシャンであることは、まったく悪いことではありません。アマチュアの語源は 「amare」(楽しむ)であり、プロフェッショナルの語源は 「profit」(金銭的利益)です。


ぜひCDやYou Tube、演奏会などでリューディさんの音楽に触れていただきたいと思います。

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取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)

Interview with Thomas Ruedi, Euphonium1. Would you start by telling me about your background, where and how you grew up, and how you got started as a professional Euphonium player?

I was born in a very small village of 600 people in the beautiful countryside near Bern, Switzerland.
I always loved music very dearly, for as long as I can remember. My father was a tuba player in the village brass band, my mother sang in the village choir and my older brother was a euphonium player too. His enthusiasm for brass playing and music in general had a huge influence on me. Together, we listened to LPs of various bands and mostly of the trumped virtuoso Maurice Andre for hours on end!
By the time I started playing the euphonium at the age of 11, I already knew most of the trumpet concertos and Air & Variation solos by heart.
As it was common in those days, music was treated merely as a hobby, and I was trained to becoming an electrician/planner first. In my free time though, every minute was spent playing my euphonium in bands and as a soloist. Aged 20, I had to join the compulsory army service which I spent in the military band. After the basic military training, my brother and I were planning to form an electrical company. But before diving into the business world, I felt a strong desire to dedicate at least some time of my life to learning more about music, which was, after all, my first love! I left my comfortable home in Switzerland and moved to England to study euphonium, conducting and composing at the Sheffield University.
I was extremely hungry for music, and I soaked up as much of the musical culture I possibly could: brass bands, choirs, orchestras, composition and conducting became my life’s passion. In England, there was a growing demand for me as a soloist, arranger and conductor. After returning to Switzerland, it was becoming clear that I could no longer follow the original plan to starting a business and I fully committed my life to music.


2. For those who are thinking about starting the Euphonium or have just started playing, would you tell me about your attraction to Euphonium and the works written for Euphonium?

The first thing that strikes the listener, is the beautiful sound quality the euphonium possesses.
Its strong melodic voice and the technical agility make it such a versatile solo instrument – capable of capturing ANY style of music!
I have always treated the euphonium as a “voice”, rather than a particular style. So, for me, it was always clear that I would be playing ANY repertoire I would enjoy and get my hands on. At the beginning, I was playing mostly trumpet repertoire (that’s what we had in the house), then also melodies and works from the classical- and popular music repertoire. Later, I found a musical universe of high-quality music in the repertoire of the cello and bassoon. This led to my first solo album “Elegy” which features master pieces from the virtuoso romantic repertoire, including Tchaikovsky’s “Roccoco Variations”.
As a student, I was also introduced to the original euphonium repertoire, and I studied and performed it extensively. As a performer and teacher, I believe that it is important to keep an open mind about the choice of repertoire. Finding the “right” repertoire can be such an ear-opening and inspirational experience for the heart and mind of a student. The old great masters such as J.S. Bach, Mozart, Schubert and Beethoven should be as much a part of the musical education as the new original works written for the instrument. Nowadays, there seems to be more focus on the technical aspects of playing an instrument, rather than discovering the soul and the deeper meaning of music. We need to re-discover the depth of the soulful, musical expression – music that changes your life on hearing it. It’s a journey inward, rather than striving towards a display of technical perfection which doesn’t move the performer nor the listener.


3. When practicing or performing, for example, in a solo recital or on stage as a member of an orchestra, is there anything you pay special attention to or keep in mind?

I study the music I’m performing in great depth – I want to know absolutely everything about it: historic context, composer, form, style, phrasing and meaning. Once I understand the piece, I start practicing it on the instrument. Here, I make sure that I do everything “right”, apart from the tempo! I work like a scanner on high definition – slow and in great detail! The tempo will automatically get more fluent when the muscle memory sets in.
After the practice stage, the performance phase begins. This is all about performance experience. You can practice your performance using a recoding machine first, then perform for your cat (if she lets you), then your family and friends etc., until you’re ready to perform for a greater audience.
I enter the stage having 1’000 positive thoughts in my head! While playing, all I “think” about is breathing and “singing” the music with all my heart and soul!


4. If you have any episodes that were turning points in your life as a player or that have left the greatest impression on you in your past activities, would you tell me about them?

With every performance, I’m seeking to connect with my audiences and when this happens, it’s an unbelievably deep and rewarding feeling. I feel blessed for having had so many wonderful moments in my career – to name a few:
I have fond (early) memories of playing some solos for the village senior community at the age of 12 – they absolutely loved the music, and it made me think that perhaps I have a voice that people might like to listen to – I got very excited about performing music.
Also, performing Richard Strauss’ “Don Quixote” at the Suntory Hall in Tokyo, with Yo-Yo Ma as a soloist, was very special. Or perhaps playing solos with the “Swiss Army Band” on tour in Georgia (the country), – or performing the “Cosma Euphonium Concerto” with the “Kairo Symphony Orchestra” in Egypt, where the audience heard a euphonium for the first time ever! Another highpoint was performing Joseph Horovitz’ “Euphonium Concerto” on a tour of Italy with Joseph conducting – we became good friends.


5. If there are other players who have strongly influenced your playing, would you tell me how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

At the beginning, the brilliant, singing sound of Maurice Andre (trumpet) really shook me up and made me want to become a brass player. The emotional singing of Barbara Streisand made me cry (and still does) and the sheer musical power of Lucian Pavarotti was life changing for me.
The cellist Mischa Maisky I adored for his musical passion, Pablo Casals (also cello) for his pristine clarity of interpretation. Frank Sinatra for his subtle, but everlasting tension in every single phrase – Michael Jackson for his unbelievable love for precision, groove and coolness. Nowadays, I’m still drawing a lot of inspiration from musicians such as Yo-Yo Ma (cello) or Maria Joao Pires (piano) – particularly from their art of phrasing. And, finally, from my students – they are so inspired and open to all kinds of arts – They are less shy to cross the bridge between the arts – I learn so much from them!

6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or new initiatives you would like to undertake in the future)?

Recently, I devoted some time to writing music for high school- and amateur level players. A lot of the music written for euphonium is technically so demanding to play, that the performers have difficulties getting to the bottom of the musical meaning. If I can contribute some music, that would make me very happy.
I still tremendously love working with my euphonium students which come from all the corners of the world. I also want to learn so much more about music and art in general – I’m only 55 and I still have so much to learn!

7. Finally, what advice would you give to young Japanese performers (including amateurs) and Japanese students who aspire to become professional players?

In general, there are quite a lot of professional musicians, who have not quite “made it” – what I mean by that is that they are getting stuck between finishing their studies and finding their future goals. It’s great to have musical talent and to have dreams. But if you want your dreams to become true, you must wake up!
In my personal view, being a professional musician involves a whole lot more than just playing an instrument well. In my work as a teacher, I encourage students to learn everything there is to be learned about music: theory, history, composing and arranging (very important), conducting (the master discipline of music), teaching (the teacher learns the most!) and music research (thinking deep).
For me, having a “career” was never a goal – I have always just focused on working towards my own products: a new recital, seeking new collaborations with other artists, a new recording, teaching, or writing a new piece. I’m observing that students often not really “produce” anything – they just practice – but what for? Being a musician should be all about art and creation, not just practice towards perfection for a competition. If you want to be creative, you must concentrate on yourself, not what other people are doing (on social media) – the door to success opens inward!
I also find that students should learn more about business and finances – they are, after all, moving towards becoming entrepreneurs. I give my students an assignment: Write down ten different ideas how you can create music (art) and display it to an audience.
Finally, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an inspired and creative amateur musician. The word amateur comes from “amare” (enjoyment) and the word professional stems from the word “profit” (financial gain).


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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