Photo (C) Joelle Van Autreve
[The original English text is at the bottom of the Japanese text.]
2019年のデビューCD「ベル・エポック」が日本でも輸入販売されているベルギーの新星アンネリエン・ファン・ヴァウヴェ氏(Annelien Van Wauwe)。
1. まず最初に、クラリネットを始めたきっかけと、あなたが育ってきた背景についてお伺いできますでしょうか。
2. あなたが奏者としてまた聴衆として感じるクラリネットの魅力について教えて下さい。
3. 学生時代(特に10代~20代頃)はどのような学生時代を送られましたか?またその頃で特に想い出深いエピソードなどございましたらお伺いできますでしょうか。
学士号を取得した後、私はパリ国立高等音楽・舞踊学校(Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris)で1年間、パスカル・モラゲス教授のもとで学びました。パリでは、特にフランス音楽の解釈の仕方や、自分のクラリネットの音に様々な色を作り出す方法を学びました。
4. 日々の練習の際に心がけていることや気をつけていること、または重点を置いていることを教えて下さい。
私は毎日同じウォームアップからクラリネットの練習を始め、姿勢、音、共鳴、投射、アーティキュレーション、イントネーションに重点を置いています。この練習方法を学生やプロのクラリネット奏者と共有するために、私が考案した「WAUW!ウォームアップ」と呼ばれるYoutubeバージョンを作成しました。(You Tubeはこちら)
5. ご自身の演奏家・表現者としての活動、例えば音楽に取り組む基本的な姿勢、演奏会や後進への指導などについて現在お考えになられていることをお伺いできますでしょうか。
6. 先日、オランダのPentatoneレーベルからセカンドアルバム「FLOW」がリリースされましたね。このCDのコンセプトや聴きどころ、またレコーディング時に印象に残ったエピソードなどをお伺いできますでしょうか。
私はヨガが大好きで、それが私のクラリネットの演奏に良い影響を与えていることから、フランドル地方の作曲家ヴィム・ヘンデリックス(Wim Henderickx)にバセット・クラリネット、オーケストラ、エレクトロニクス用の協奏曲「スートラ(SUTRA)」を委嘱することになりました。この曲は、呼吸、ヨガ哲学、瞑想をベースにしています。
7. 最後に、アマチュアのクラリネット奏者の方や愛好家の方に向けて今一番伝えたいメッセージをお願いします。
ファン・ヴァウヴェ氏のCD「ベル・エポック」はWind Band Pressのストア「WBP Plus!」でお取り扱いをしています。
取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)
Annelien Van Wauwe, a rising Belgian star whose debut CD “Belle Epoque” was sold in Japan in 2019.
When I heard her debut CD, I was captivated by her talent. So, with the cooperation of Eurassic, Inc., who manages the company in Japan, I conducted an interview with Annelien Van Wauwe.
1. First of all, would you tell me how you started playing the clarinet and about the background you grew up in?
As a child I loved to sing and express through my voice. At the age of seven I chose the instrument that ‘sang’ most and fascinated me most (not only acoustically but also visually, with its pretty silvery keys..): the clarinet.
2. What do you find attractive about the clarinet as a player and as an audience?
It can whisper, sing, shout, the tone range covers several different registers and it can play many different styles of music such as classical music, contemporary music, jazz, klezmer, folk music, ..
3. What kind of school days did you have, especially in your teens and twenties? Do you have any memorable episodes from those days?
I went to a regular high school in Belgium where my favourite subjects were languages and writing. I realised that it would be important for me at a later stage – during my music studies – to be able to communicate on an international level.
At the age of 17 I moved to Germany and studied at the Musikhochschule in Lubeck, with the reknowned soloist Sabine Meyer. She taught me how to develop and perfection my clarinet sound and read music scores with precision and greatest care for the style.
After my bachelor degree I have spend one year at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris with Professor Pascal Moragues. In Paris, I learned how to interpret french music in particular and how to create a range of colours in my clarinet sound.
During the same year I travelled to Rome twice per month to have classes with Alessandro Carbonare at the Academia Santa Cecelia. He taught me how to make virtuose (Italian) music sound easy and fluid and how to vocalise and articulate melodic phrases.
I have studied a Master Degree, both in Pedagogy (because I have always loved teaching) and Performance, with Wenzel Fuchs and Ralf Forster. They, and all my other teachers, taught me how to perform orchestral music and trained me how to audition for orchestras. I gained experiences in several orchestras and started to perform as a soloist at the same time.
At a certain moment I was so busy that I simply had to chose a clear career path which was for me a combination of chamber music, teaching and solo performances.
4. What do you keep in mind, pay attention to, or focus on during your daily practice?
My days start with yoga practice as it became an important part of my life as a musician. My body, my mind and emotional state benefit from it.
I start my clarinet practice with the same warm up series every day in which I focus on my posture, sound, resonance, projection, articulation and intonation. I have made a Youtube Version of the exercises called the ‘WAUW! Warm up’ that I have designed in order to share this practice with students and professional clarinettists.
I truly believe that a daily broadening of the foundation of clarinet technique is a valuable way to enlarge its own potential on the instrument. During my practice I constantly develop and adapt practice methods to ensure the best possible control during performances. The ‘safer’ the preparation of a concert, the more chance there is to actually let spontaneous, free and inspirational moments happen.
5. As a performer and an expressive artist, would you tell me about your current thoughts on your basic attitude toward music, concerts, and teaching younger generations?
I believe in honest music making in which I stay closely connected to the score, out of respect for the composer. I am convinced that an audience feels the difference between ‘true’ music making and performances to impress or to only serve an artist’s own ego.
6. Your second album “FLOW” was recently released on the dutch Pentatone label. Would you tell me about the concept and the point of this CD, and any episodes that left an impression on you during the recording process?
My love of yoga, with its positive influence on my clarinet playing, led me to commission SUTRA, a concerto for basset clarinet, orchestra and electronics from the Flemish composer Wim Henderickx. It is based on breath, yogic philosophy and meditation.
FLOW combines Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto KV 622, written in 1791, with Wim Henderickx’ Bassetclarinet concerto ‘Sutra’, written in 2021. Even though Mozart composed his concerto 230 years before Henderickx completed his ‘Sutra’ concerto the effects on performers and listeners remain similar due to the concerti’s purity, simplicity, originality and perfect musical structures.
As a performer, I feel that both the practice of music and yoga can lead into a flow state.
Hence the title of this Pentatone album which includes two contrasting concerti for the basset clarinet.
The recording of ‘Sutra’ by Henderickx left an unforgettable impression on me as I recorded the piece five days before the birth of my second son.
I could start to practice two months prior to the recording and it was a process of constantly finding the right balance between my ever changing body, my breath and the challenge of learning/recording new musical material.
7. Lastly, what is the most important message you would like to give to amateur clarinetists and fans?
Practicing less (but with greatest consciousness) is more; the more you experience life, the more expressive you can be in your music!
That’s all for the questions.
I hope that many clarinet players will gain something from her words.
I would also like to thank Mr. Yuichi Murakami of Eurassic, Inc. for his assistance in preparing the questions.
Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)
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