「現代音楽や未収録の音楽に特化したレコードレーベルが必要だと考えました」インタビュー:オールバニー・レコーズ(Albany Records:アメリカ) スーザン・ブッシュ氏 (Susan Bush)

[The original text written in English is below the Japanese.]

日本ではWBP Plus!も商品のお取り扱いをしているアメリカのレーベルオールバニー・レコーズ(Albany Records)。日本ではなかなか知ることがないような作品を多くレコーディングしていて、貴重な録音も多い印象です。WBP Plus!では特にマスランカのCDが売れています。

今回はレーベルとしてのこだわりなどを、社長であるスーザン・ブッシュ氏 (Susan Bush)にお伺いしました。


1. まず読者に向けて、あなた個人について簡単に紹介しておきたいと思います。あなたの社内でのポジションと業務内容を教えて頂けますか?また、どこでどのように育ったのか、どこでどんなことを学んだのか、などについて教えていただけますでしょうか?

私はオールバニー・レコーズの社長をしているスーザン・ブッシュです。私はジュリアード音楽院でフルート奏者としての訓練を受けましたが、数年間演奏活動を行った後、芸術運営に移り、ニューヨーク州オールバニーにあるオールバニー交響楽団のマネージャーを務めました。その後、オーケストラを辞めて、ビジネスパートナーのピーター・ケルマニ(Peter Kermani)と一緒にオールバニー・レコーズを立ち上げました。

2. オールバニー・レコーズを設立した経緯(なぜその事業を始めたのか)について教えて頂けますでしょうか?


3. CDを作る、つまり録音して編集して装丁を決める過程において、あなたの会社が特にこだわっていること、注意を払っていること、決まりごとなどについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?


4. あなたの会社、またはあなた個人にとって、特に思い出深いレコーディングのエピソードがあれば教えて頂けますでしょうか?


5. 世界的にストリーミングサービスの波がやってきて、CDの販売数はかなり減っているようです。あなたの会社では今後物理ディスクの販売を減らす予定はありますか?またはアメリカのロック・ポップスで流行っているようなメモリアルイヤーディスクやビニール(LPレコード)のような形でリリースをする予定はありますか?


6. 最後に、日本の吹奏楽ファンに向けてメッセージをお願いできますでしょうか。






Wind Band Pressでは今後も様々な会社へのインタビューを予定しています。

オールバニー・レコーズのCDはWind Band Pressから派生したストア「WBP Plus!」でお取り扱いしています。




インタビュー・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)

In Japan, WBP Plus also deals with the American label Albany Records, which has recorded many works that are not easily known in Japan. In particular, Maslanka’s CDs are selling well at WBP Plus.

In this interview, we asked Susan Bush, the president of the label, about the label’s commitment.

So let’s get reading!

1. First of all, I would like to give a brief introduction about you personally to our readers. Would you tell me about your position in the company and what you do? Also, would you tell me about where and how you grew up, and where you learned what you know?

My name is Susan Bush and I am president of Albany Records. I was trained as a flutist at Juilliard, but after performing for several years, moved to arts administration and was manager of the Albany Symphony Orchestra in Albany, New York. I left the orchestra to start Albany Records, along with my business partner, Peter Kermani.

2. Would you tell me how (company name) was established (why did you start the business)?

We started Albany Records in 1989 because we saw a need for a record label who would concentrate on contemporary music or music that was not previously recorded. We didn’t want to just have more recordings of standard repertoire. Both Peter and I have a wide-ranging interest in music and he is extremely knowledgeable about contemporary composers.

3. In the process of making a CD, i.e., recording, editing, and binding, would you tell me about your company’s particular concerns, attention to detail, and rules?

Our emphasis is always on the music. With us, the performers take care of arrangements for recording, editing, and mastering and deliver to us. Our concerns are good performances and especially, we like to see composers or performers come to us with ideas for recording interesting repertoire.

4. Would you tell me about any particularly memorable recording episodes for your company or you personally?

We have had many interesting experiences, but the most touching was a recording we did of American art songs. We sent to radio stations and heard back from a man from the radio station who took the disc with him to visit his mother, who had been a professional singer, but was now elderly and suffering from dementia. When he played the recording, his mother started to sing.

5. With the worldwide wave of streaming services, it seems that the number of CDs sold is decreasing considerably. Does your company have any plans to reduce the sales of physical discs in the future? Or do you plan to release music in the form of memorial year discs or vinyl (LP records) as is popular in American rock and pop music?

At the moment we plan to continue releasing physical product as well as having our catalog available on digital download sites. We have no plans for vinyl or memorial year discs.

6. Lastly, please give a message to the wind band / classical music fans in Japan.

I would encourage music lovers to explore the numerous recordings we have of wind instrumentalists as well as wind ensemble recordings. There are some really excellent composers, like David Maslanka and John Barnes Chance, who concentrated on writing for wind ensemble. Some of our solo instrumental recordings offer new or unique repertoire — for example, we have a recording of Schubert lieder transcribed for French horn, that I think is especially beautiful. Whether your interest is wind ensemble, operetta, opera, solo instrumental, or exploring the music of unfamiliar composers, I believe our catalog of more than 1,700 titles has a great deal to offer today’s music lover.

That’s all for this interview, thank you Susan!

Each company has its own philosophy, thoughts, sense of mission, and history. Please take a look at their products and feel their commitment.

Wind Band Press is planning to interview various companies in the future.

Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


Wind Band Pressへの広告ご出稿はこちら

その他Wind Band Pressと同じくONSAが運営する各事業もチェックお願いします!

■楽譜出版:Golden Hearts Publications(Amazon Payも使えます)

■オンラインセレクトショップ:WBP Plus!








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