【翻訳修正】「優勝した後、人前に出て走って父を抱きしめたのは、コンテストの舞台での最高の瞬間だった」 ユーフォニアム奏者グレン・ヴァンローイ氏(Glenn Van Looy)インタビュー

[English below Japanese]

これまでに数々の賞を受賞し、ブラスバンドだけでなくソロ奏者としても活躍しているベルギーのユーフォニアム奏者グレン・ヴァンローイ氏(Glenn Van Looy)にインタビューさせていただきました。

こちらの記事も合わせてどうぞ:ユーフォニアム界のニュー・スター、グレン・ヴァンローイ(Glenn Van Looy)の近況まとめ



1. ユーフォニアム奏者になろうと思ったきっかけを教えてください。


2. 特に気に入っているユーフォニアム曲はありますか?

書かれている音楽のほとんどが好きです。幸運なことに、作曲家である素晴らしい友人が何人かいて、ソロを書いてくれています。私はトム・ダヴォレン(Tom Davoren)の作品が本当に好きで、2枚目のCDに収録されている3つの協奏曲も好きです。21歳の誕生日に両親からプレゼントされたスティーヴン・フェルヘルスト(Steven Verhelst)の「Once upon a time」、ポール・マクギー(Paul McGhee)の「Kjeden」、スタン・ニューウェンハウス(Stan Nieuwenhuis)の「Uphill」。

3. ユーフォニアム奏者として人生のターニングポイントとなったのはいつだと思いますか?


4. 10代の頃からソリストとして活躍し、これまで数多くの賞を受賞し、数多くのバンドと共演をしていますが、最も印象深いエピソードがあれば教えてください。


5. 日本の若いユーフォニアム奏者にアドバイスをお願いします。





インタビュー・翻訳:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)


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Golden Hearts Publications Online Store


1. Why did you thought want to become a euphonium player?

I knew I wanted to be a euphonium player since my 12 years old really. My parents made me chose between my two hobbies, music and gymnastiques… And luckily I chose music. My dad was a conductor and I went along to rehearsals and made some friends, and decide to sit next to a friend who happened to play the euphonium, that’s how it all started. I fell in love with the sound and the songs the instrument can play.

2. Are there euphonium works that you particularly like?

I like most of the music that’s written. I’m very lucky that I have some great friends who are composers and who write me some solo’s. I really like Tom Davorens compositions and I also like the three concerto’s that are on my second CD. Once upon a time by Steven Verhelst, which was a present from my parents for my 21st birthday, Kjeden by Paul McGhee and Uphill by Stan Nieuwenhuis.
But I’m still a great fan of the ‘oldschool’ euphonium solo’s like Pantomime, Horovitz and the first Sparke concerto too!

3. When do you think it was the turning point of life as an euphonium player?

I think one of the turning points where the many competitions I’ve done. I was in demand after being the youngest winner of the British Open solo championships and than the year after winning in Australia and also the solo contest of the European Brass Band Championships. I think that’s what made me do the things I’m doing now.

4. You have been active as a soloist since your teens, have won numerous awards, and have performed with numerous bands and orchestras. Please tell me if you have the most impressive episodes.

The two mean things for me are the once I named above. Winning the british open was amazing. I had my friends and my dad with me in Manchester and winning there was like a dream coming true. Also cause I always looked up to the UK in terms of the brass band standard and culture. But maybe the nicest thing happened at the solocontest of the European brass band championships in Linz in 2011. I was one of the finalists and after they announced it I called my family back home and my dad was so happy that he jumped in the car, drove all night and came all the way to watch and listen to me in the finals the next day. After winning it I ran in the public and gave him a big hug, that was one of the nicest moments I had on the contest stage I think.
5. Please advise the young euphonium player in Japan.

I think Japan has got a great future and culture of euphoniumplayers. There are some real stars of there. I’m always overwhelmed by the standard when I come over and of the enthousiasme. Keep working hard and most of all, keep enjoying to practice.and maybe another little tip is: search for your own sound, that way it’ll feel the best!

6. Please give your message to your Japanese fans.

I’d like to thank all Japanese euphonium players and musicians that listen to me and follow me on the social media. It means a lot to me and I’m always happy to hear from friends I’ve made from all over the world. Keep doing what you do and keep enjoying your wonderful country and wonderful music you have! Hope to be in Japan soon again and meet you all again!


Wind Band Pressへの広告ご出稿はこちら

その他Wind Band Pressと同じくONSAが運営する各事業もチェックお願いします!

■楽譜出版:Golden Hearts Publications(Amazon Payも使えます)

■オンラインセレクトショップ:WBP Plus!








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  1. […] ユーフォニアム奏者グレン・ヴァンローイ氏(Glenn Van Looy)が、先日のインタビューでも好きな作曲家の一人に挙げていたトム・ダヴォレン氏(Tom Davoren)の「Windy City Heartbreak」をベルギ […]
