「努力によって得た小さな一歩が最も重要なのです」作曲家インタビュー:ラルフ・ウール氏(Ralf Uhl)

[English is below Japanese]

ドイツの作曲家ラルフ・ウール氏(Ralf Uhl)に、設問に答えて頂く形でインタビュー取材を行いました。

ウール氏についてはWind Band Pressでも以前に取り上げています。指揮者、作曲家として活動されている方で、吹奏楽作品はオランダのモレナール出版などから出ています。

日本の吹奏楽ではあまり馴染み深い作曲家ではないかもしれませんが、2016年には上智大学吹奏楽研究会が「ケルト族の文化(The Culture of the Celts)」の日本初演をしていますし、本人も日本の音楽から影響を受けているようです。


1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、作曲家としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?



2. あなたは多くの吹奏楽作品を発表しています。日本でもあなたの吹奏楽作品のファンがいます。吹奏楽にどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?



3. 吹奏楽曲を作曲する際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?



4. 作曲家として人生のターニングポイントとなった自身の作品があれば、その作品についてのエピソードを教えて下さい。(これは吹奏楽作品でなくても構いません)




5-a. ご自身の作曲または編曲に強く影響を受けた他の作曲家や編曲家の作品があれば、それについてどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)

ブルックナーの交響曲は間違いなく、私の音楽における彼の影響は否定できない。それからミクローシュ・ロージャ、アラン・メンケン、ジョン・ウィリアムズももちろんです。吹奏楽に関しては、セップ・タンザー(Sepp Tanzer)の「Tirol 1809」という曲は、子供の頃に多くのことを教えてくれました。90年代には、有澤孝紀や日本アニメーションの作曲家のような日本の作曲家に接しました。彼らの音楽はユニークで、新しいさまざまな素晴らしいアイデアを見せてくれました!


5-b. 上記とは別に、現代の作曲家で特に注目している作曲家がいれば理由と合わせて教えてください。



6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。



7. あなたの作品は、世界中の多くの国で演奏され、評価されていることと思います。日本の若い作曲家や作曲家を目指す日本の学生たちにアドバイスをお願いします。





ぜひ多くの方にCDやYou Tube、演奏会を通じてウールさんの作品に触れていただきたいと思います。

関連商品はWind Band Pressを運営しているONSAによる下記のオンラインストアからもお探しいただけます。
→WBP Plus!楽天市場店
→Golden Hearts Publicationsオンラインストア

取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)



Interview with Ralf Uhl1.First of all, would you tell me about your background, where and how you grew up, what made you started as a composer?

I was born and grew up in South Germany near the river Danube in a rural environment. The school I attended was small and so was the music band there. Fitting Scores didn’t excist so I did my first arrangements and created my first composition – which was aweful and not performable! I wondered why the arrangements were fine though and therefore started teaching myself how music in general works.


2. You have published many wind band works. There are fans of your wind band works in Japan. Would you tell me about what fascinates you about wind band music?

Wind band music is what I grew up with. Compared to a symphonic orchestra it has its unique sound colours, especially the modern wind bands with their broad percussion ensembles. I always was fascinated by the power that brass instruments as a whole can generate in contrast of highly delicate sounds.


3. When composing a wind band piece, is there anything you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or have any rules of your own?

Ugh, there’s a lot! The older you get, the more you think and ponder. You need to have a goal for sure! You want to advance, explore, create something unique. Then you want your music to be performed of course – that is where your publisher enters the stage. He has goals and a main emphasis that differs from yours. You have that to keep in mind from early on. And well, then there’s the daily life that knocks on your door: you need a special kind of music for an individual combo and a definite event – start writing now, start working now!


4. If you have a piece of your own work that was a turning point in your life as a composer, would you tell me the episode about that work? (This does not have to be a wind band piece)

Every piece of music I write is a turning point in some way. You cannot go back, you made a new step. It does not have to be a revolution all the times. The small steps, earned through hard work are most important. Apart from that a classical turning point was the work of a classical composer:

I got in contact with Bruckners symphonic music in early years. Also, music from television, especially from animated films and series made a deep impact. A vinyl record with Bruckners 8th symphony showed on its cover a bird wing that emerged from a water surface. So, I sat on the couch staring at the cover while listening to the music, waiting: when’s the moment the bird wing arises from the water… I still remember the magical tension.


5-a. If there are works by other composers or arrangers that have strongly influenced your composition or arrangement, would you tell me about them and how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

Bruckners Symphonies for sure, up to the point where I cannot deny his influence in my music. Then Miklos Rosza, Alan Menken and John Williams of course. As for wind band a piece of Sepp Tanzer called “Tirol 1809” teached me a lot as a child. In the 90s I came in contact with japanese composers like Takanori Arisawa or composers that worked for Nippon Animation. Their music was unique and showed a new variety of great ideas!


5-b. Apart from the above, would you tell me about any contemporary composers that you are particularly interested in, along with the reasons why?

In the last twenty there’s a significant decline in great new music in my opinion. The marked has become too fast, earning money too important – which means that taking risks is no option anymore for companies and publishers. John Williams is still working and probably the most important composer right now. His works will be played all around the world in a century for sure. But apart from him… this question is a hard one to be honest.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or what you would like to work on in the future)?

Writing music that stays unique, keep developing, not becoming boring! I’d love to compose an OST for a classical anime series some day but also write my first symphony. You have to dream big! Fore sure I will continue to write original wind band music. I want to do better than I did yesterday.


7. Your works are performed and appreciated in many countries around the world. What advice would you give to young Japanese composers and Japanese students who want to become composers?

Be fascinated by music and stay that way! Never stop learning and embrace setbacks as a great source of motivation. Composing music is a long run. Learn all the rules so you know how to break them – this will be fun, I promise!

Always keep in mind what your primary goal is: writing unique music or (!) be economically successful. Both is fine but hardly compatible these days, especially at the beginning.

Most important: create great new music and make it a gift to all the people!



Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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その他Wind Band Pressと同じくONSAが運営する各事業もチェックお願いします!

■楽譜出版:Golden Hearts Publications(Amazon Payも使えます)

■オンラインセレクトショップ:WBP Plus!








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