「カサノヴァの中でも最高の、そして最も感動的な演奏のひとつでした」作曲家インタビュー:ヨハン・デメイ氏(Johan de Meij)が振り返る2022年9月の九州管楽合奏団 特別公演

[English is below Japanese]

日本でもおなじみの作曲家、指揮者ヨハン・デメイ氏からお誘いがあり、2022/9/25に行われた「九州管楽合奏団 特別公演」の下関公演に行ってきました。






















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インタビュー、文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)


I was invited by Johan de Meij, a well-known composer and conductor in Japan, to the Shimonoseki performance of the “Kyushu Wind Orchestra Special Concert” on 2022/9/25.

The program of the day was as follows.

A Summer Night’s Dream: Mendelssohn (arranged by Johan de Meij)

“Casanova” for cello and wind orchestra: Johan de Meij


Overture “Rotterdam 1945” for wind orchestra: Johan de Meij

Suite from the ballet Romeo and Juliet Part II & III: Prokofiev (arranged by Johan de Meij)

(+ encore)

After enjoying the wonderful performance, I visited backstage to meet Mr. de Meij as promised, and after a brief consultation, we decided to conduct another post-concert interview via e-mail.

In between his various busy schedules, I received a prompt reply, so please take the time to read it, whether you went to the concert or not.

1. Yesterday’s Shimonoseki concert by the Kyushu Wind Orchestra was a great concert. It was your first visit to Japan in about 4 years, and the typhoon coincided with your visit to Japan, which may have affected your rehearsals and travel. Can you reflect on what was impressive about this trip, including the two performances?

It was indeed 4 years and 4 months since my last visit in Japan. I was able to travel from New York without problems, I took the Shinkansen from Narita to Fukuoka since my domestic flight was cancelled. Our first rehearsal also got cancelled because of the typhoon, so we only had two days of rehearsal, which was barely enough for the extremely difficult program. But KWO is a fantastic orchestra, every player was super prepared and we worked very hard these two days, in order to be ready for the concerts. I also noticed that everyone was extra motivated to finally make music again after the long period of isolation, caused by this unexpected pandemic.

2. For me personally, I was also happy to listen to “Casanova”. Yuki Ito, the cello player, gave a terrific performance. It was also a pleasure to listen to other premieres. I think the program was very challenging for the band with many premieres, was there any piece in particular that you thought went very well?

I was extremely happy with the performances of both Casanova and the two suites from Romeo and Juliet. Yuki Ito is an amazing talent, and it was an enormous pleasure to work with him. We had a very good connection on the podium. For me it was one of the best and most emotional performances of Casanova. The piece is in its 23rd year now and I have conducted dozens of concerts over the years, with 12 different soloists, but with Yuki it was definitely in the top 3! Prokofjev’s Romeo & Juliet is one of my favorite works of all times, and during Covid I had time to arrange 30 minutes from his famous ballet for wind orchestra. I already did a 6-movement suite in 1986, and these two suites fit seamlessly to the first one, thus creating a 48-minute arrangement of this masterpiece.

3. Many musicians around the world have been affected in some way in the Corona Disaster. How did you spend this difficult time?

I’m afraid it weren’t “many musicians”, ALL musicians, orchestras, festivals, competitions, music conferences etc. have been hit very hard by this nightmare. I had to cancel 77 engagements all over the world and didn’t travel for two years. My wife and I stayed in isolation in our Hudson Valley home, with our 4 cats and one dag. The only thing I could do was writing music, be it new compositions or arrangements. I cranked out more than 5 ? hours of music in those two years! Besides Casanova all the other works on the program in Shimonoseki were created during Covid.

4. It may still be a difficult time for concert bands. Can you share your thoughts on what kind of mindset concert band players and conductors around the world should have during this difficult time?

I am optimistic that things will be back to normal very soon. Almost nobody needs to be hospitalized anymore, the symptoms are much milder and not deadly, as they used to be in the beginning and at the height of the pandemic. I have noticed an enormous joy and passion with players, everyone seems to realize [me included] how relative things are in life, and that we should enjoy every minute of it, in everyday life and on stage.


5. I understand that you are planning to come back to Japan next year. What are your main plans for the future?

I will have a concert with Wind Orchestra Nagoya 2023 in Kariya (Nagoya) in January, where Yuki Ito will be our soloist again in Casanova . Then I will be doing a big project at Senzuo Gakuen College of Music in May of 2023. Ad I already have an engagement with Osaka College of Music in March of 2024, and I will certainly be back with Kyushu Wind Orchestra in both 2023 and 2024, in my capacity as Principal Guest Conductor since 2014.


That’s all for the questions. Thank you very much, Mr. de Meij!


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