気になる!世界の吹奏楽事情~フランス編 パートII~(ジャン=フィリップ・ヴァンブスラール氏による寄稿)


Wind Band Pressではこれまで多くの海外の情報を記事にしてきましたが、実際のところ、海外各国の吹奏楽事情についてはあまりよく知られていないのが現状です。


今回は、フランスの作曲家、ジャン=フィリップ・ヴァンブスラールさん(Jean-Philippe Vanbeselaere)によるフランスの吹奏楽事情についてのご寄稿の第2弾です。


[English below Japanese]

「フランスの吹奏楽」パートII (byジャン=フィリップ・ヴァンブスラール)



1. 1789年~1815年:革命期と帝国

a. 革命期の吹奏楽のための音楽






b. ≪ ラ・マルセイエーズ ≫

1789年にストラスブール大聖堂の管弦楽団長に就任したイグナツ・プライエル(イニャス・プレイエル)(1757-1831)は、モーツァルトをはじめとする同時代の作曲家たちに認められた才能ある作曲家であり、同時代で最も人気があり、最も演奏された音楽家です。1791年の≪自由の讃歌(Hymne a la Liberte)≫や、1792年4月20日以降のライン軍のための戦争歌など、いくつかの革命的な賛美歌を制作しました。同年、ストラスブール駐屯地の大尉クロード・ジョゼフ・ルージェ・ド・リール(1760-1836)と出会い、彼が詞を付け加えました。文章と音楽は編集され、この歌は軍隊で大成功を収め、コピーは流通し、新聞でも配布され、特に6月23日の≪Journal des departements meridionaux de Marseille ≫に掲載されました。



グルックの彼に対する侮辱とは裏腹に、フランソワ=ジョゼフ・ゴセック(1734-1829)は尊敬すべき作曲家です。9月30日、彼は叙情的な場面である「自由のためのオフランデ(L’Offrande a la Liberte)」を創作し、その中には「ラ・マルセイエーズ」のオーケストレーション(最初のもの)が含まれていました。この公演は大成功を収め、1799年までに100回以上上演されました。オーケストラは交響楽団に含まれる管楽器一式で構成されています。吹奏楽団は屋外で演奏するので、1つ増幅します。合唱団、ソリストの横には、ピッコロとフルート、クラリネット、オーボエ、ファゴット、トランペット、ホルン、トロンボーンのグループがありますが、ストリングベースとオフィクレイド(サックスとチューバはまだ存在しません)もあります。


c. 第一帝政時代の軍事音楽



その後、フリードリヒ・ベール (1794-1838)、ジョゼフ・デイヴィット・ブール (1781-1860)、ロベルト・フックス (1752-1821)の作品を中心とした騎兵ファンファーレが登場し、主に当時の騎兵ファンファーレのために作曲されました。ですので、ナチュラル・トランペットとティンパニのみです。

帝国の主要な軍事地域には、帝国軍の傘下である≪帝国ファンファーレ(Les Fanfares de l’Empire) ≫があり、これが19世紀初頭に最初のオルフェオンの起源となり(オルフェオンのもう一つの構成要素は、合唱と宗教的な男性のオルフェオンです)次の数十年の間に増殖します。


2. 1800年~1850年:技術進歩の50年


a. アドルフ・サックス : 優秀な発明家


b. エクトル・ベルリオーズとウィンドバンド





c. フランスの吹奏楽のための新しい体系


これは1848年の新共和国が望んだ改革であり、アドルフ・サックスが製作した新しい楽器を使用して、≪Musique des Guides de la Garde Imperiale≫(1852年)、その後≪ギャルド・レピュブリケーヌ≫(1854年)というオーケストラを創設することにつながっています。

3. 1850~1930年:吹奏楽の黄金時代


a. 伝えられる音楽から教えられる音楽へ





b. ウィンドオーケストラの教育的役割


これらの作曲家によって、吹奏楽は各楽器のカラーパレットを使って 表現力を最大限に引き出されています。吹奏楽とシンフォニック・オーケストラを比較することは、もはや気になりません。



c. 一例:≪ギャルド・レピュブリケーヌ≫




4. 1930年~1980年:衰退の時代


a. 状況が悪化していること





b. 吹奏楽のための2つのスタイルのレパートリー





また、アルベール・ルーセル(Albert ROUSSEL, 1869-1937)の「栄光の日(A Glorious Day)」や、ダリウス・ミヨー(Darius MILHAUD, 1892-1974)の「フランス組曲」、「ウエスト・ポイント組曲」などが挙げられます。




5. 80年代 : フランスにおける吹奏楽団の復活


a. オリジナルのレパートリー



1. 吹奏楽のみを仕事とする作曲家の作品。

2. 州の依頼。

b. 吹奏楽のためのフランスのオリジナル曲




c. ウィンドバンドに関する州の依頼

音楽舞踊庁(文化省)では、アマチュア音楽家のための作品を制作・制作することを使命とする作曲家に作品を発注しています。イダ・ゴトコフスキー夫人が言うように、≪アマチュアとなら、いつでも困難を乗り越えることができる。時には能力の低い音楽家が、素晴らしい結果を出すこともある。作曲家とのコンタクトが基本です。指揮者が我々を必要としているなら、我々も彼らを必要としている ≫。

6. 80年代から現在まで : 新しいレパートリーの構築







吹奏楽のコンセプトは3世紀以上も前に根付き、それ以来進化を続けてきました。1789年のフランス革命後、≪パリ国立衛兵団(Fanfare de la Garde Nationale de Paris)≫の設立が、アンサンブルの現代的な形への発展に大きな弾みをつけました。





貴重な情報をご寄稿いただいたジャン=フィリップ・ヴァンブスラールさんの作品は日本でもGolden Hearts Publicationsが一部印刷代行を行っています。

Golden Hearts Publicationsのヴァンブスラールさんのコーナーはこちら。商品ページでフルサイズの試聴が可能です!


Wind Bands in France


Part II

Evoking French Music for Wind Band forces us to take a big step backwards : to go back to the time of the Ancien Regime (historical period which began in the XVIth century and which ended in 1789 when the French Republic was created) where some groups of wind instruments were used, in an indistinct and loosely organized form, to perform at concerts.

In order to present the repertoire of Wind Bands in France, it therefore seems important to refer to a heritage repertoire beginning with the French Revolution.

1. 1789-1815 : The Revolutionary period and the Empire

a. The Music for Wind Bands during the Revolutionary period

It was always believed that the Wind Band was military. However, this was not the case in 1790. During the French Revolution, the conception of music was different. In the revolutionary spirit, there was a need to say things, to celebrate events; hence the need to ask musicians to play their wind instruments in the open air at celebrations, commemorative and civic ceremonies.

As the French Revolution is in full swing, the best French artists are called upon to celebrate these new times of freedom, equality and fraternity. It was also at this time that the School of Municipal Music of Paris was created (founded in 1792 and directed by Francois-Joseph GOSSEC to train the instrumentalists of the Music of the National Guard brought together by Bernard SARRETTE in 1790) which became Conservatory of Music in 1794. The Conservatory gives off primarily instrumental education (especially for wind instruments) and its mission is to design a method for each discipline as well as to participate in national holidays. Revolutionary composers are appointed teachers there.

For there to be revolutionary feasts, it is essential to train musicians. It was then that the first Wind Bands were created with a first specific repertoire composed by Bernard SARETTE (1765-1858), Francois Joseph GOSSEC (1734-1829), Hyacinthe JADIN (1776-1800), Jean-Francois LESUEUR, (1760-1837), Etienne Nicolas MEHUL (1763-1817), Charles-Simon CATEL (1773-1830), etc …

Unlike the Fanfares, all the works for Wind Bands of this period have no military connotation and the composers will pass through the events, without clash for the most part, since they will compose to the glory of those who govern. They will always remain near and at the service of power.

b. ≪ La Marseillaise ≫

Having become Master of Orchestra of Strasbourg Cathedral in 1789, Ignace PLEYEL (1757-1831) – a talented composer recognized by his peers, foremost among them Mozart – is the most popular and most performed musician of his time. He created several revolutionary hymns including ≪ Hymne a la Liberte ≫ in 1791 and, after April 20, 1792, a war song for the Army of the Rhine. The same year, he met Claude-Joseph ROUGET DE LISLE (1760-1836), captain of the Strasbourg garrison, who added words to it. Text and music are edited; the song has great success with the troops; the copies circulate, the newspapers distribute it, in particular on June 23 in the ≪ Journal des departements meridionaux de Marseille ≫.

To protect Paris, and despite the veto of King Louis XVI, one appealed to the Federates of the National Guards, including a battalion formed in Marseille set out for Paris on July 2, popularizing the Song of War for the Army of the Rhine while throughout his progression, until his arrival in Paris on July 30. This war song thus became the song of the persons from Marseille, then ≪ La Marseillaise ≫.

On July 14, 1795, the Convention adopted ≪ La Marseillaise ≫ as the national anthem.

Despite Gluck’s umbrage on him, Francois Joseph GOSSEC (1734-1829) is an esteemed composer. On September 30, he created a lyrical scene, ≪ L’Offrande a la Liberte ≫, which included an orchestration (the first) of ≪ La Marseillaise ≫. This show was a great success, it was performed over a hundred times until 1799. The orchestra consists of a set of wind instruments from the symphony orchestra. One amplify the Wind Band because it plays outdoors. Next to a choir, a soloist, there is a group of Piccolo and Flutes, Clarinets, Oboes, Bassoons, Trumpets, Horns and Trombones, but also String Basses and Ophicleides (the Saxophones and Tubas do not exist yet).

This score is the first of fourteen versions of ≪ La Marseillaise ≫. The orchestra, composed only of Reed instruments and Brass instruments, will give birth to many musical pages for civic feasts.

c. Military music in the time of the First Empire

During the First Empire (1804-1815), one speak more of symphonic music for Wind Band. Around the Napoleonic age, the Wind Band will still develop in its instrumentation. Other musicians will begin to write for this orchestra, with a different character, in a way that will please the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

The military music of the First Empire is the direct heir to the one of the Revolution. The composition of an orchestra has not changed since the Ancien Regime, but the style has evolved; the rhythm is still 60 steps per minute but a new characteristic appears : the role given to the drum (military drum), which is not limited itself to give the rhythm of the march or to make the accompaniment. He now has pieces to himself (≪ Rigaudon d’Honneur ≫, ≪ La Grenadiere ≫, ≪ La Carabiniere ≫, etc …) which will be further developed during the Empire. We find this aspect more and more marked in marches such as the ≪ Marche de la Garde Consulaire a Marengo ≫ composed by GUILLARDEL, conductor of the Grenadiers de la Garde des Consuls.

Then, came the Cavalry Fanfares (with the Cavalry trumpets) with works by Frederic BERR (1794-1838), Joseph-David BUHL (1781-1860) or Robert FUCHS (1752-1821), composed mainly for cavalry fanfares of the period, so, only natural trumpets and timpani.

The main military regions of the Empire are also endowed with subsidiaries of the Imperial Guard : ≪ Les Fanfares de l’Empire ≫ which, in turn, will be at the origin of the first Orpheons at the beginning of the XIXth century (the another orpheonic component being choral and male, of religious origin) which will proliferate during the following decades.

Along with the Fanfares repertoire, composers continue to produce music (hymns, small symphonies, suites, overtures) for military orchestras but also for the first citizen wind bands (or community wind bands) which are born on the impetus of these military orchestras. Very often called ≪ Music of the National Guard ≫ and usually constituted by a large majority of veterans, these orchestras are still linked to the conservatories of their city which provide them with the repertoire. They take part in patriotic gatherings and local and national festivities.

2. 1800 – 1850 : Fifty years of technical progress

The Orpheons, Community Bands and Military Bands see their pace of development marked by the progress of the instrument making. Woodwinds and Brass instruments were given new technical performances, notably with the birth of the first Piston Trumpet, the 17-keys Boehm System Clarinet and the inventions of Adolphe SAX (1814-1894).

a. Adolphe SAX : a brilliant inventor

Born in a family of inventors, Adolphe SAX has considerable importance in the development and improvement of instruments. He improves Clarinets as well as natural instruments (Trumpets and Horns) for which he establishes the use of keys and pistons. Its main idea is that the timbre and the sound of instruments are determined by the nature of the material used. This is how he created in the years 1840-1850 the Saxophone family and then that of the Saxhorns. SAX manufactures and improves all these instruments, making them evolve by families, thus obtaining homogeneous groups with the alternation of Bb and Eb.

b. Hector BERLIOZ and the Wind Band

In 1840, the French government requested Hector BERLIOZ (1803-1869) – who has just won his Prix de Rome – to write a large musical fresco for ≪ Grande Harmonie Militaire≫ (Big Military Band), in order to celebrate the inauguration of the new column from the Place de la Bastille, thus commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Revolution of 1830. Accompanied by a large military procession, twenty-four horses were to pull a huge hearse containing the coffins of fifty martyrs (which would then be placed under the new column), while the 200-instrumentalists orchestra was to play throughout the procession.

Very young interested in what SAX does, Berlioz accepts but he doesn’t use Saxophones and Saxhorns, these instruments are not yet developed. Nevertheless, he introduced the Tuba and the Bass Clarinet in his composition : the ≪ Symphonie funebre et triomphale ≫ opus 15. This work contains 3 movements : a funeral march, a funeral oration and an apotheosis.

This is a production very inspired by the civic ceremonies of the revolutionary period : effective and restrained, but nevertheless full of greatness. Aware of its value, he later made a concert version of it, adding sections for Cellos and String Basses, and above all adding a chorus in the third movement.

This piece closes the revolutionary era for the Wind Band..

c. A new nomenclature for Wind Band in France

With the inventions of Adolphe SAX, it is a profound evolution which definitely marks the nomenclature of the French Wind Band. A decree of 1854 obliges fanfares and military orchestras to unite with Wind Bands. Some military conductors agree to integrate the Saxhorns with the classical harmony, others want to take only the instruments of SAX (consequently leaving the Flutes, Oboes, Bassoons and other Clarinets), still others refuse any evolution. Thus, and during many years, compositions for military orchestras have abandoned the use of instruments from the small harmony of symphonic orchestras : Flutes, Oboes, Clarinets, Horn and Bassoon.

It’s the reform desired by the new Republic of 1848 which leads to the creation of the ≪ Musique des Guides de la Garde Imperiale ≫ (1852) then of the orchestra of the ≪ Garde Republicaine ≫ (1854), with the use of all new instruments created by Adolphe SAX.

3. 1850 – 1930 : The golden age for Wind Bands

The XIXth century saw the development of the rural exodus. A large number of peasant populations emigrated to the industrial cities. Traditional music, linked to the seasons and the circumstances of agricultural life is abandoned, neglected. These music have been replaced by orpheonic music : popular Amateur music. The learning of Music is then modified.

a. From Music transmitted to Music teached

Three main ideas are put in place : the score, the need for Solfege and instrumental teaching. Until then transmitted, Music will be taught within Orpheons and Community Bands (most often by volunteer pedagogues) but also in Music Schools which are starting to emerge.

The repertoire of this period remains confined to the transcription of symphonic works for Wind Bands, without going to the original repertoire. So-called ≪ scholarly ≫ Music which was reserved for ≪ large orchestras ≫ therefore infiltrates the working class.

The great model of the time for carrying out a transcription was : the timbre of Clarinets must replace that of Violins, the timbre of Saxophones must replace the mass of Cellos, etc …

But many composers will want to use this new orchestral nomenclature to write differently and enhance these new Wind Bands.

b. The educational role of Wind Orchestras

It was during this 80-year period that competitions and festivals for Wind Bands multiplied in France. Kiosks are erected everywhere and, important thing, renowned composers such as Hector BERLIOZ (1803-1869), Camille SAINT-SAENS (1835-1921), Florent SCHMITT (1870-1958) or Gabriel FAURE (1845-1924) compose for the Wind Bands. In 1900, Gabriel FAURE was professor at the Paris Conservatory. For the inauguration of the arenas of Beziers, he was requested to write an important work : ≪ Promethee ≫. He therefore composed for two Wind Bands this large fresco which will then be orchestrated for two Wind Bands, a choir, six choristers and reciters.

With these composers, the color palette of each instrument of Wind Band is used. The expressive potential is exploited to the maximum. One no longer bother to make comparisons between Wind Band and Symphonic Orchestra.

At the start of the XXth century, the repertoire was also adapted to popular music and festivities, and the kiosk musics developed : waltz, suites, ballets, polkas, mazurkas, transcriptions of symphonic works, etc …

Orchestras therefore play a role in propagation of these musics which is spreading throughout France.

c. One example : the ≪ Orchestre de la Garde Republicaine ≫

In addition to its national fame, the ≪ Orchestre de la Garde Republicaine ≫ has also enjoyed great international success since 1872, the year of their first tour of the United States. Since then, other series of concerts abroad have confirmed the prestige of this orchestra throughout the world.

The ≪ Orchestre de la Garde Republicaine ≫ is able to perform all the classical musical repertoire from the XVIIth century to the present day. During its existence, the Wind Band had the honor of performing a number of works by Camille SAINT-SAENS (1835-1921) or Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937) under the baton of these great composers. Florent SCHMITT (1870-1958) composed especially for this orchestra : ≪ Les Dionysiaques ≫, one of the most fascinating and innovative works in the repertoire of Wind Bands, created and conducted by the composer in 1925.

Constantly evolving since the second half of the XIXth century, the ≪ Orchestre de la Garde Republicaine ≫ is now composed of 120 professional musicians, mainly from the National Conservatories (CNSMD) of Paris and Lyon.

4. 1930 – 1980 : A period of decline

The different Wind Bands encountered many problems during this period, due to a large number of elements as diverse as each other.

a. A deterioration of the situation

A large number of Wind Bands (and in particular the village orchestras) are maintained through parades, village parties, fairs and other patriotic festivals. These orchestras are therefore intended for an audience that never – or very rarely – goes to concerts. In addition, their administrative (even musical) direction is entrusted to people whose musical knowledge doesn’t allow the repertoire and skills of these orchestras to be broadened.

Furthermore, the motivations of musicians within these orchestras are different from before; Amateur musicians begin to lack, orchestras merge or disappear. Some musicians get tired of the repertoire that is performed : the Music put on the program at that time is nowhere near from being of great quality … Now, it seems obvious to say that the survival of an Amateur Wind Band depends also and especially of the quality of its musical repertoire !

As from 1945, the ≪ Black Years ≫ of the French Wind Bands began. The war has dispersed a large number of musicians, hobbies are growing in importance and, for some, one need to rebuild everything.

The reconstruction of a Wind Band isn’t easy because it requires a lot of financial, material and human sacrifices. At that time, it was difficult to copy the example of 1789: it was neither the Revolution nor the French revolutionaries who could start the same work over again in 1945 !

b. Two styles of repertoire for Wind Bands

Although made up of excellent instrumentalists, professional Wind Orchestras no longer arouse the same interest. However, they remained the example of Amateur Wind Bands since their creation. Their repertoire is also disputed because it most often consists of poor transcriptions or works that are difficult to access, written mainly by renowned composers : Tony AUBIN (1907-1981), Desire-Emile INGHELBRECHT (1880-1965), Andre JOLIVET (1905-1974), Gabriel PIERNE (1863-1937), Germaine TAILLEFERRE (1892-1983), Henri TOMASI (1901-1971), etc …

Some of them, however, marked the History of Music for Wind Bands : in 1936-1937, the writer Romain ROLLAND wrote ≪ Quatorze Juillet ≫ and called on several composers to write the music for the interludes. Charles KOECHLIN (1867-1950) will write ≪ Liberte ≫, Jacques IBERT (1890-1962) an overture, Georges AURIC (1899-1983) ≪ Palais Royal ≫, Arthur HONEGGER (1892-1955) ≪ Marche sur la Bastille ≫ as well as Darius MILHAUD (1892-1974), Albert ROUSSEL (1869-1937), and Daniel LAZARUS (1898-1964) who will contribute to the work. Republished on the occasion of the bicentenary of the French Revolution, these scores are performed abroad but very rarely in France.

We can also cite ≪ A Glorious Day ≫ by Albert ROUSSEL (1869-1937) american commission, or ≪ Suite Francaise ≫ and ≪ West-Point Suite ≫ by Darius MILHAUD (1892-1974).

To overcome the difficulties and try to go back up the musical level, some orchestras copy the example of the United States of America by recreating local folklore with a Marching Band and majorettes. The music that is performed there is musically hardly interesting (marches, bad transcriptions of commercial music, jazz, etc …).

This is also the period during which many federations were created in France, the two most famous of which are the ≪ Federation Sportive et Culturelle des Batteries-Fanfares ≫ (1947) and the ≪ Confederation Musicale de France ≫ (1948) whose activities are essentially marked by massive celebrations and birthdays becoming a pretext for the gathering of these ever larger federal families. Few of the orchestras don’t join these events; thus, one are witnessing again a higher number of parades and patriotic festivals than concerts where we could listen to the original quality repertoire for Wind Bands.

In addition, the regional federations organize meetings, festivals and competitions which allow the Wind Bands to be placed in a category which reflects the technical and musical level of each orchestra. Up to now little developed, a new idea is therefore appearing in France : competition through contests. These competitions will result in the emergence of two types of Wind Bands : Parade orchestras and Concert bands.

5. The Eighties : The revival of Wind Bands in France

The ≪ New-Look ≫ Wind Bands made their appearance in the ’80s. They paid less attention to their official role and focused their activities on the musical aspect, selecting an original repertoire from among french and foreign composers. Their main goal is to perform and to make people discover this music during their concerts.

a. An original repertoire

The Directorate of Music and Dance (Ministry of Culture) promoted the development of these new Wind Bands by understanding that they were formed above all of young musicians coming from conservatories who wanted above all to play music there. quality. And unlike to what one might think, it’s not commercial music that attracts the younger generation.

When one talk about an original repertoire, one can distinguish the emergence of two kinds of compositions :

1. The works written by composers whose job focuses only on Wind Bands

2. State orders.

b. French original compositions for Wind Bands

At that time, several works had been written for fifteen or twenty years, but have only recently been performed. This is how we discover composers such as Desire DONDEYNE (1921-2015), Ida GOTKOVSKY (1933), Serge LANCEN (1922-2005) or Roger BOUTRY (1932-2019), who knew how to exploit the sounds and capacities of each instrument, thus highlighting the Wind Bands.

This fifteen-year interval is a sign of a certain unease that reigned within some orchestras. This kind of work aims to gradually replace the often criticized transcriptions. The Wind Bands deserves better than poorly orchestrated works and poorly adapted to wind instruments.

Today, the improvement brought to the manufacture of the instruments is such that the Wind Bands has its own qualities including a very great richness of timbres. Its possibilities are huge and it should no longer be considered as an object of parade or of local folklore.

c. State orders for Wind Bands

The Directorate of Music and Dance (Ministry of Culture) orders works from composers whose mission is to create and work for Amateur musicians. As Madame Ida GOTKOVSKY says, ≪ With Amateurs, it is always possible to get around difficulties. Musicians who sometimes have little capacities achieve excellent results. Contact with the composer is fundamental. If the conductors need us, we need them too ≫.

6. From Eighties to nowadays : The building of a new repertoire

The fact that the vast majority of Wind Bands in France are made up of Amateurs is not without consequences for the creation of a repertoire. New compositions are developed firstly for Amateur Wind Bands and publishers must adapt to current trends. Unlike Jazz or Rock groups, Wind Bands make little claim of affiliation with a well-identified musical style. Thus, the covers of Pop-Rock standards are more and more numerous, as well as the films or cartoons’s musics.

A study recently published in France by the Ministry of Culture seems to confirm a great creativing activity but also a decline in the promotion of the heritage repertoire of the French Wind Band. French Music represents 31% of the repertoires performed (1% of creation, 11% of original music, 19% of orchestrations and transcriptions of French works), American and Dutch music represent 32% of the repertoires, to which must be added 15 % of film and commercial music transcribed from the United States of America. The total for Anglo-Saxon music is 47% of the repertoires performed. Finally, 22% of the repertoires have their origin in the rest of the world (Russia, Latin America, Japan, South-East Asia). But the large majority of the works performed come from the same culture and the same standardization of musical writing.

Unlike symphonic orchestras which have a rich editorial collection, the Wind Bands don’t have a reference repertoire that is knowed by the general public. In addition, the many television and radio channels in France almost never broadcast works for Wind Bands. The Concert Bands’s conductors are therefore increasingly concentrating their repertoire searches on the Internet : this unlimited access has completely upset the way of thinking about the building of a program of specific works for Wind Bands, at the same time original, personalized and unique.

The creation of a new repertoire, designed and adapted for Amateur orchestras is a big step for the renewal of Wind Bands in France. It represents a solid base so that each orchestra can go back to its function of broadcaster of Music for concerts.

Wind Band, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Symphonic Wind Orchestra , … Whatever the nomenclature, the glorious sound of massed woodwind, brass and percussion instruments today lies at the heart of educational and military music departments.

The Wind Band concept took root more than three centuries ago and has been evolving ever since : following the French Revolution in 1789, the establishment of the ≪ Fanfare de la Garde Nationale de Paris ≫ (Paris National Guard Band) gave considerable impetus to the development of the ensemble into its modern form ; a century later, the famous ≪ Orchestre de la Garde Republicaine ≫ toured the United States of America for the first time, followed by other overseas concert series, spreading the orchestra’s popularity around the world.

For a long time France was the country which possessed the most important musical heritage for the Wind Bands. The first half of the 20th century saw established french classical composers championing its cause and contemporary composers continue to provide the genre’s catalogue with a modernistic edge.

The notion of musical heritage is therefore a heritage from the past that must be preserved and transmitted. ≪ Heritage is what we love, what we want to preserve and transmit to future generations and which is witness to a history ≫ affirmed Andre Malraux (1901-1976), writer and Minister of Culture from 1959 to 1969.

With more than 200 years of repertoire, there is really a ≪ French color ≫ of the Wind Band that our duty and our responsibility is to pass to next generations.


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■僧侶兼打楽器奏者 福原泰明の音楽説法


■石原勇太郎エッセイ「Aus einem Winkel der Musikwissenschaft」

