「一生懸命に働き、希望を捨てないこと」演奏家インタビュー:ブレット・ベイカー氏(トロンボーン奏者 Brett Baker, Trombone)

[English is below Japanese]

特にブラスバンドの世界でその名が轟いているトップ・トロンボーン奏者のブレット・ベイカー氏(Brett Baker)に、設問に答えて頂く形でインタビュー取材を行いました。



1. まずあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、プロのトロンボーン奏者としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?

私はイングランドのウェールズ国境近くのフォレスト・オブ・ディーンという小さな地区で育ちました。地元の村のバンドで演奏を始め、その後、より優れた村のバンドに進み、今では世界のトップ10に入るフラワーズ・バンド(Flowers Band)という地域の重要なバンドに入りました。マンチェスターに近いサルフォードで経済学を学び、在学中にフェアリーズ(Faireys)というセミプロのバンドに参加しました。その後、26歳で音楽を学ぶことを決意し、ブラック・ダイク・バンドに加入しました。


2. これからトロンボーンを始めたいと考えている人や、演奏を始めたばかりの人に向けて、トロンボーンやトロンボーンのために書かれた作品にあなたがどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?



3. 練習や演奏をする際、例えばソロリサイタルの際やオーケストラのメンバーとして舞台に上がる際に、特に注意していることや心がけていることはありますか?



4. 演奏家として人生のターニングポイントとなったエピソードや、これまでの活動で最も印象に残っているエピソードがあれば、それらについて教えて下さい。



5. ご自身の演奏に強く影響を受けた他の演奏家がいれば、彼らからどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)



6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。



7. 最後に、日本の若い演奏家(アマチュアを含む)やプロの演奏家を目指す日本の学生たちにアドバイスをお願いします。





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取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)

Interview with Brett Baker, Trombone1. Would you start by telling me about your background, where and how you grew up, and how you got started as a professional Trombone player?

I grew up in a small district of England near the Welsh Border called the Forest of Dean. I started playing in the local village band before progressing to a better village band then a regionally significant band called Flowers Band now one of the top 10 in the World. I studied Economics at Salford near Manchester and joined a semi-pressing band called Faireys whilst I was a student before deciding to study music aged 26 and joining the Black Dyke Band.


2. For those who are thinking about starting the Trombone or have just started playing, would you tell me about your attraction to Trombone and the works written for Trombone?

My father was a trombone player and singer. He was also very much into sport and wanted me to be a sports person. Unfortunately I was not very co-ordinated so ending up choosing music instead of sport and focused on this outside of school. I sort of fell into it and did not take it seriously until joining the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain.


3. When practicing or performing, for example, in a solo recital or on stage as a member of an orchestra, is there anything you pay special attention to or keep in mind?

Yes the music. The music is the most important thing.


4. If you have any episodes that were turning points in your life as a player or that have left the greatest impression on you in your past activities, would you tell me about them?

Yes a major turning point was when in New York as a soloist having a young freelance player saying I should follow my dreams. I therefore gave up my sales and desk job and went to study music and joined a semi-professional band.


5. If there are other players who have strongly influenced your playing, would you tell me how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

People such as Robert Morgan, Roy Newsome, David King and Howard Snell have made a big impact to what I now do.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or new initiatives you would like to undertake in the future)?

I have a new solo recording planned for next year and a trip to the USA, Argentina and Japan.


7. Finally, what advice would you give to young Japanese performers (including amateurs) and Japanese students who aspire to become professional players?

Work hard and do not give up on hope. Being a performer is hard work but very rewarding.


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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■楽譜出版:Golden Hearts Publications(Amazon Payも使えます)

■オンラインセレクトショップ:WBP Plus!








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